Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, Kashmiri suede purses, colorful long tie-die skirts, w/ mirrors, bells, and exquisite jewelry
Great prices on exquisite Indian long skirts, sequin shoulder bags, fashion designer jewelry, embroidered tunics and jamawar kashmiri shawls
Best Value at Best Prices for Indian skirts and Kashmiri hand-bags and stolls, shawls, beautiful jewelry

Traditional Tiered Black Skirt in Pure Cotton, Crinkled Cotton Tiered Broomstick Skirt in Black
Crinkled Cotton Tiered Broomstick Skirt in Black
Traditional Tiered Black Skirt in Pure Cotton
A midnight black tiered skirt in crinkle-textured cotton fabric. This skirt features eight unfinished tiers and a thin elastic waistband for extra comfort. The skirt has pockets on the sides to carry your stuff. The broomstick-style airy construction gives it a sway as you walk. The flowing silhouette of this skirt makes it look everyone. Pair it with heels and a ruffled white shirt for a vintage look. This lined skirt is available in three sizes (from S to XXL).Crinkled Cotton Tiered Broomstick Skirt in Black

Add to Basket 36.99

Polkadot Inc: Sale on Indian fashion sequin shoulder bags, colorful long skirts - tie-dye, mirrors, bells, gypsy hippy style and exquisite jewelry

Check out our Kashmiri hand crafted embroidered suede Bags

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